Thursday, February 9, 2017

FILIPINO PHILOSOPHY PRESENTS: "The Debt of Gratitude or Utang na Loob in Freedom!"

First of all, let us define about “Utang na Loob” or in English it is called “Debt of Graditude”. Utang na loob is one of the Filipino’s values. It is value, which many Filipino has adopted and define it as part of their everyday lives. The essence of this value is an obligation to appropriately repay a person who has done one a favor. When a person done something that is nice or good for you or done any a favor for you, meaning you will feel gratefulness to that person and your mindset will somehow went like this that “you want to repay that person that has done well for you”. Moreover, that action must be nice and good for that person in order to repay him/her as well. In other situations, if that person wanted something, ask for help, or ask for a favor you will do it as a repay for them. Can this be hinders our freedom? Yes. Sometimes this Filipino value can hinder our freedom depending for that favor or a help of that person or a group of person that owe you one. For instance, that person asks for a favor because he/she saves your life. And, now that person asked that if that he/she could asked some money and you felt hesitated because you know that your money is not enough for your everyday life spending. Therefore, you lend him/her your money even though you know your situation and you don’t have any choice but to give that person a money due of the fact that person save your life. Despite of our situation or even our present state of your life, we can manage to help or to done something to others for just that favor or May “Utang na loob” That situation shows it can limit or can hinder us on our choices we make for the others. We are having difficulties to refuse or to say no to that person because of shame and gratitude towards to what did that person done to us good. Our freedom of saying “yes” and “no” to a person can cause us hesitation on lending our help to them. Weighing the good and bad, weighing also your position and condition before lending something to that person, knowing if you are having a capability of yourself to do that, and knowing the condition and circumstances of that favor that is asking to you of that person can help use to decide on what they needed to us. Sometimes, that Filipino value can cause the Filipino to forget themselves on deciding and their freedom to choose a choice.  

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