Wednesday, November 16, 2016

AN EASY ESSAY PRESENTS: Human or Person? Are they Different?

Human or Person? Are they Different?

     All persons are humans, all humans are also persons. A difficult line that I made and so meaningful. Me, as a student I remembered that I also confused about the difference of each two. But when I reached Junior High School I learned the more about the two words.  Human is somehow is related to science I think.  Based on my  research on Internet on Online Etymology  Dictionary website,  that the word “human” came from the scientific name of it, “Homo” a Latin word means being or mankind. For me it is somehow indicates the entire body like arms, bones, organs etc.  Based on my book research "The Social Construction of the Human Spirit" stated that Humans are not just made of human flesh but it has so called Human Spirit. On the other hand, the word “person” for me, person has so called dignity on it as my Values Education teacher said. Person is more of emotional and spiritual way. According to bible, we have souls. Therefore, it may be part of our person. As human it needs physiological needs or its basic needs such as water, shelter, food etc. But in person it need Psychological need such as Esteem Needs, love, etc. and so called Sell-Fulfillment that achieve one’s full potential as shown on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need as my teacher last grade 10 on Economics. Humans develop its physical body changes, health, and age. But in person, can have self-development, maintain and build relationship so called as that. I conclude that the word humans and persons aren’t similar. But it has also its differences. It may be quite the same but it just different in quite manner.

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