Sunday, November 13, 2016


Philippine Mystery or History?

Martial Love on Martial Law?

Image result for imelda and ferdinand wedding
As we all know in the younger or rather the beautiful days of the former first lady Imelda Romualdez-Marcos is quite fascinated. In her younger years, Imelda Marcos was beautiful. In her teenager years, she participated in different so called "Beauty Contest" and she obtained many winnings. For men, if you born on that era you will be fascinated, you will be charmed, and you will be love her. Her dress, her beautiful postures, her expensive accessories, and much more. There was a story or a tale that the two persons from the different clash of the two family, Aquino and Marcos has a hidden tale about the former Senator, Mr. Benigno Aquino Jr and Imelda Romualdez-Marcos. Aquino has a secret love interest on Imelda. By the way, Cory Aquino and Benigno Aquino Jr had a divorce in America in the year 1980.  Is the proclamation of Martial law cause by love triangle? Is the love of Ninoy and Cory are just fake? There is a tale that during the settlement of the Aquino in Boston, there is a hidden story. Is the story is a just story?

"When the family were buying their food supplies and toiletries, et al other personal items, NINOY had a push cart of his own. CORY on the other hand, had a push cart for herself and supposedly for her children.

When NINOY ate, he either cooked or ate alone or sometimes with an infrequent guest.

NINOY was allegedly sometimes “aburido” (anguished) over the arrangement that CORY imposed upon the family that even he would even sometimes quarrel with his infrequent guest(s).

Image result for imela and marcos, cory and ninoyHowever, it was NINOY who took care of all the bills and CORY did not even have a single cent to spare. Each time the family’s finances ran low, NINOY would rush to a public pay phone in any of the streets or corners of Boston and make a confidential call to the late Ferdinand MARCOS FERDIE, his fraternity brother in Upsilon Sigma Phi.

After each call, with only minutes, an hour or hours interval, a packet of One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$100,000) would arrive at the family’s place or at a designated drop point."

     Is the love of Cory and Ninoy Aquino are just fake to pretend it to all Filipino to obtain power in politics?  Is the love cause the chaos, war, and everything of those time?

     There is so many secrets in our country's history that can unlock the mystery of the past and solve the confusion of the present.

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