Thursday, February 9, 2017

FILIPINO PHILOSOPHY PRESENTS: "The Debt of Gratitude or Utang na Loob in Freedom!"

First of all, let us define about “Utang na Loob” or in English it is called “Debt of Graditude”. Utang na loob is one of the Filipino’s values. It is value, which many Filipino has adopted and define it as part of their everyday lives. The essence of this value is an obligation to appropriately repay a person who has done one a favor. When a person done something that is nice or good for you or done any a favor for you, meaning you will feel gratefulness to that person and your mindset will somehow went like this that “you want to repay that person that has done well for you”. Moreover, that action must be nice and good for that person in order to repay him/her as well. In other situations, if that person wanted something, ask for help, or ask for a favor you will do it as a repay for them. Can this be hinders our freedom? Yes. Sometimes this Filipino value can hinder our freedom depending for that favor or a help of that person or a group of person that owe you one. For instance, that person asks for a favor because he/she saves your life. And, now that person asked that if that he/she could asked some money and you felt hesitated because you know that your money is not enough for your everyday life spending. Therefore, you lend him/her your money even though you know your situation and you don’t have any choice but to give that person a money due of the fact that person save your life. Despite of our situation or even our present state of your life, we can manage to help or to done something to others for just that favor or May “Utang na loob” That situation shows it can limit or can hinder us on our choices we make for the others. We are having difficulties to refuse or to say no to that person because of shame and gratitude towards to what did that person done to us good. Our freedom of saying “yes” and “no” to a person can cause us hesitation on lending our help to them. Weighing the good and bad, weighing also your position and condition before lending something to that person, knowing if you are having a capability of yourself to do that, and knowing the condition and circumstances of that favor that is asking to you of that person can help use to decide on what they needed to us. Sometimes, that Filipino value can cause the Filipino to forget themselves on deciding and their freedom to choose a choice.  

Sunday, December 11, 2016

PHILIPPINE HISTORY OR A MYSTERY? PRESENTS: My Prediction for the Outcome/Effect of the Resignations of All Cabinet Members of the Duterte’s Administration.

Image result for cabinet members philippinesSimple, it's Chaos. If it happens, it will be chaos.  If the some or all of the cabinet members will resign, it will make the occurrence of the present to be worst on the future.  Why? First, Duterte will select the people who are concurring to the president’s vision to the Philippines. The people who are somewhat having the same attitude or behavior to the president. Who are concurred to the Death Penalty, the decision of having Bongbong Marcos as being the Vice President of the Philippines than Leni Robredo, the China and Philippines agreements, and etc. Example, if the Death Penalty is already passed as a law meaning a nine-year old child and above can be punished by that pestilential law! I just saw this news last night about the latest news about the Death Penalty that they are trying to pass to lowering the age of criminal liability from 18 years old to 9 years old. If they are ratified to be a criminal and to be punish on the law by death they can be suffered by this: lethal injection, hanging, and a many bullets from a firing squad. This is the full text from the Facebook page of Superficial Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines:

“House Bill 1, Section 24, specifies these three methods for the proposed Death Penalty. Compounded with House Bill 2, these punishments can be extended to children as young as 9 years old.

As of press time, President Rodrigo Duterte has not yet responded to our inquiry on whether executions will be held in public, with proceeds from tickets for VIP seats to go to the Office of the President.”

We are a Catholic Country and we must follow one of the ten commandments of God that is “Thou Shall Not Kill”. Only God can take the life of any innocent people of this universe. Duterte is not a God, he is a human. Duterte wants to pass that Death Penalty. Meaning there will be no so called “Religious Person” in the whole cabinet members of the administration. Second, if Duterte will select only his so called friends to his cabinet then he will remove not just even the cabinet members but also to the politicians that against to his vision. If that happens, there will be no brighter tomorrow from a dark yesterday.  I also thought about the impact or the effect of the resignation of all the cabinet members. I am thinking about a new era of darker history. The somewhat even in the martial law will happened. Why? There will be a division of the country. There will be a political war between two different colors as of the events on the martial law. The opposition will attack the Malacañang, they will impeach Duterte, they want a snap election, and they want power, so on and so forth. Because if the person or the cabinet members who are going to resign and may be they will generate a group that will get rid of Duterte because of different vision. But not Vice President Leni Robredo, even though she resigned being one of the cabinet members of Duterte being the Chairwoman of Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council. She resigned because somehow the Duterte Administration doesn’t want Leni being part of the team. And also Leni resign because she will not be effective if the administration will not make her part to develop the country. See, looking at the counter side somewhat the Administration now having somewhat putting colors so that the opposition side will not be part of their team. One of the evidences is that during one of the speech of Duterte that if the Supreme Court approved the petition of Bongbong Marcos on the Vice Presidency election complain he might by the Vice President. For him it is just a joke but from Leni and her fellow supporters and Bicolano isn’t. The administration will fall down the Philippines. As we all know, a dollar is equivalent now somewhat near at the 50 pesos value. My goodness, our economic will fall. There will be no intelligent person in the cabinet. There will be no brighter future if the darker part of yesterday will occur in the innocent day of the present. It is just my opinion in this topic. Thank You. :)


          Online Newpapaer, Philstar  

          Superficial Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines Facebook Page

Saturday, December 10, 2016


If I were given a chance to become that person is to be Ferdinand Marcos. Why? So the effect of Martial Law will never happened. For me Ferdinand is one of the every excellent person in the history. Let’s start from the beginning. Ferdinand Marcos is one of the former presidents of the Philippines. He is the husband of Imelda Marcos and the father of Sen. Bongbong Marcos. Marco’s family is already a rich family so the shoes and the some accessories of Imelda Marcos are not came from the taxes but from his husband.  According to Wikipedia, “Prior to Marcos's presidency, he served as a member of the Philippine House of Representatives from 1949 to 1959 and of the Philippine Senate from 1959 to 1965, where he was also Senate President from 1963 to 1965. While Marcos fought alongside with the Americans during the Japanese Invasion and participated in the Bataan Death March, he would later claim during his election campaigns that he has been "the most decorated war hero in the Philippines", a claim which was later proven to be false. United States Army documents that were uncovered called the claim "fraudulent" and "absurd".” Ferdinand Marcos established many health establishments in the history of the Philippines, the Lung Center of the Philippines, Philippine Heart Center, Philippine Kidney Institute, and many more. He promoted the arts and nationalism, thImage result for ferdinand marcose coconut palace, Manila Film Center, the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, and many more. The Marcos Administration builds some hospitals, public schools, road, and bridges such as the San Juanico Bridge other than the other presidents. On his time as being the president of the Philippines, the money conversion exchange rate is 1 dollar is equal to 2 Pesos. See that, our economic status as I old earlier is good. The Philippines became self-sufficient in rice. According to Wikipedia, Philippine exported US$ 7 Million worth of Rice. The Philippine is second-most progressive countries in the South-East Asia (vying the Japan). According to the, on that picture on the left side. Marco’s administration clearly stated as the most progressive time in the history of the Philippines. On his time, there so called “Nutri-Bun” it is stated on my one of my elementary books that it is a program by Ferdinand Marcos as a feeding program every school day in public school. Meaning, it is free snack by the government so that the parents won’t be give some money their children to buy not so nutritious food. On that time, there are many malnutrition children so Imelda Marcos had an idea to solve this case so she ordered to her husband about the Nutri-Bun program. According to GMA News, it was Imelda that had been solve the case through this program. The Nutri-Bun includes a “bun” or “tinapay” and according to, it is stated the ingredients: “The 'base' of the bread is made from a blend of white and whole wheat flour mixed with a non-fat dried milk powder. The bread is then fortified with soy flour, which is contains a good amount of high quality protein. Soy is also rich in micronutrients like calcium, iron, and B-complex vitamins. The bun is made with iodized salt. Each bun weighs 80 grams and contains 400 calories.” According to GMA News, “In the history, after the introduction of nutribun and the implementation of a nationwide food distribution program, the rate of malnutrition in the Philippines fell drastically. From 1971 to 1973 severe malnutrion in children was reduced from five percent to less than one percent. The nutribuns were often distributed before school and were served with milk. Following the decrease in the rate of malnutrition in the Philippines, the program was gradually phased out, with the final batches of nutribun being distributed in the mid-1980s. In 2016 the rising cost of food and an uptick of malnutrition cases in Manila lead to the nutribun program are reinstated and the bun going back into limited production”. (Carmela G. Lapeña, GMA News 2014) Marcos declared Martial Law. It was the darkest age of the Philippine History. In that case, why did Marcos declared Marcos? It is not about the power ma’am, it is the protection or a National Security to prevent communist attack from China. According to the video on YouTube the “Untold Story of Martial”, Ninoy Aquino was on jailed because of its having agreement to the Communist. Ninoy Aquino sold the “Sabah” that was the previous part of the Philippines to the Malaysia:  ( for me Ninoy Aquino must not be buried in the Heroes’ Cemetery. Cory and Ninoy had a divorce but it is shown in media that there are so sweet zzz. According to my teacher in 21st Century, Ninoy Aquino has a secret feeling for Imelda Marco, who is the wife of Ferdinand Marcos. Cory just wants to married Ninoy in the first place to aim a power on politics. Imelda and Ferdinand have a true feeling to each other.  In the jail, Ninoy suffered from heart attack, so Ferdinand order some of his officer to send Ninoy in US for his treatment. See that, Ferdinand is a kind friend to his fellow Upsilonian brother Ninoy. Why did they are so many military that is rude. The Military force is not in the hands of the president but by Fidel V. Ramos. Fidel Ramos wants to be the president so he ordered to attack the Malacañang with Juan Ponce Enrile and Gringo Honasan to have a bad description for Marcos. Marcos is a victim of Black Propaganda. In television especially the ABS-CBN is just airing the bad doings not the best things in the administration. Because of the owner of the ABS-CBN is the Cojuangco or the Aquino. Many journalists had been killed so that Aquino-Cojuangco’s plan won’t be knew by the Filipino’s because Cory wants to be the president. So I want to be Ferdinand Marcos. Marcos must be buried in the Heroes’ Cemetery. That story is just I heard from our teacher in 2st Century Lit. Sorry ma’am this just my opinion. I know you are quite in the yellow side. But I’m on the yellow side too. I’m not in Duterte something, I’m in Roxas. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A QUESTION OF QUEST PRESENTS: : If You Were Given A Chance To Invent Something, What Would It Be And Why?

If You Were Given A Chance To Invent Something, What Would It Be And Why?

Image result for PAGPAG FOODIf I were given I chance to invent something is a device called “Magic Food”. A magic food that is a plain round thing that is only needs water. Why? So many children will won’t be hungry, suffering, and working or child laboring. Many children are malnourish. So many children mainly in Africa and some countries in Asia that will eat three times a day, eat food that they never been eaten, and eat nutritious foods. Africa is the world's second-largest and second most-populous continent, after Asia. Africa is the world's poorest inhabited continent. They need food. So I think about the Magic Food.  This week, our UCSP teacher Sir Randy Bacares shared to us about the video entitled “Chicken Ala Carte” which shown about poverty and their theme is about “pagpag” food or recycled food. Meaning, it is a leftover from restaurants, fast food chain, or other food established. They get it from trashes and make it as a food.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

DON'T EDIT MY EDITORIAL PRESENTS: If you were Give a Chance To Talk To Pres. Duterte, What Are You Going to tell him?

If you were Give a Chance To Talk To Pres. Duterte, What Are You Going to tell him?     

Image result for PRESIDENT DUTERTE     Rodrigo Road Duterte is our 16th president of the Philippines and our current president. Having a conversation to a president is one of the most unforgettable experiences of a life of a person. If I’m given an opportunity I will grab it. This is the one of the best opportunity that would be happen into my life. He is the president that has many “first”. He is the first Mindanaoan to given a position in the government as being the president. Fist president from Davao. First thing first, I will “mano” or bless-act Filipino respect. Not just being as the president of the Philippines to give him a proper manner such as saying “po” and “opo” because he is older than me.  I want to discuss our personal lives. I know that our president is came from a family who are had an experience about governance. For me, we will have a conversation first about our personal life. What is our favorites, our family, and our something secrets. The president young experiences or rather unforgettable memories when he was a child. Something is so called, getting to know each other. I will start it first but if we don’t have a luxury of time, I can skip it rather. To talk to a president we must first get to know each. I will ask his about his family and friends. May be his personal life such as his love life, how many girlfriends that he had and something like that. After asking and having moments about his personal life. I will ask about his political life. “Why did he want to be a politician?” I want to ask that question. If it is something to do about the personal interest? To follow his father first step on governing, or he wants something. 

     As we all know our president, Rodrigo Roa Duterte is something that we called unique from other 15 president of the Philippines. He is somewhat “rude” that we think about this fight about illegal drugs. That is the question that I want to be answer from him. Second, I will ask him about “Why did we want to fight illegal drugs as his primary goal in the Philippines?” As we all know that illegal drugs are always there since there from the post-colonialization history of the Philippines. From the presidents of the Philippines in the past the fight of illegal drugs are somewhat is not there primary goal in the society but the economic status.  According to the update world money conversion website, one dollar is equal to Php 48.2993 as of 1:05 pm, Oct 9, 2016. 

       If the value of dollar is increasing meaning the economic status of the Philippines is decreasing and if the value of peso is increasing the country’s economic status is increasing. In the year of Ferdinand Marcos, the value of dollar is only 2 pesos. See that, in the Marcos administration is very good in terms of managing the economic status of the Philippines. So I am quite not agreed on Ma’am Andes on his madness on Marcos. According to our government website, “In 2012, the Philippines recorded one of its strongest years for growth, surpassing all expectations; the first quarter GDP of 2013, recorded at 7.8%, further raised the bar among the community of nations and exceeding even our growth trend. “ Meaning the former Aquino’s administration is good in terms of economic status of the Philippines than the present administration of the Philippines. To cut the story short, why our president does wants to terminate first the drugs as his primary goal in the society if the Philippines are now going down in terms of economic growth. If our economic growth is on down grade most of the Filipinos will suffer the rage of poverty. On my school days, I am glad that I have some money to take a snack but some of my classmate doesn’t have enough money to buy a snack or even to play the school bills or projects.  

Image result for makati city      According to the, “For an import-dependent country like the Philippines, it is difficult to overstate the impact of currency exchange rates. There is almost no part of the economy that is not affected by them in some way, particularly because of the country’s import profile; the Philippines imports virtually all of its fuel, most of its transportation equipment, and a very large proportion of the raw materials and intermediate goods needed for manufacturing.” The impact of exchange money rates is highly affected the Economic growth. I will asked the third question, one of the most struggles that Filipinos suffered mainly in the region of NCR or the National Capital Region, is suffering the heavy traffic. As we all know heavy traffic is one of the struggles of the Filipinos that are now suffering since the former administration of Noynoy Aquino. According to the Phil star website an online newspaper website, “Sa pag-aaral ng isang Japanese agency, P2.4 billion ang nasasayang araw-araw dahil sa matinding trapik sa Metro Manila.” Meaning Php. 2.4 billion pesos is being wasted because of traffic. I want to ask our president about this situation because that number is not joke for everybody.  In Naga City, we are also complaining about the installation of the traffic lights. But if we are going to solve the traffic it may save lives and money. The 2.4 billion everyday can feed almost one city, millions of family, and millions of Filipinos. If he can solve the traffic, may be the change is coming. The fourth question that I will ask to our president, “Why do you want to kill people to just to aim your goal about criminals?” 

      As we all know we are one of the countries of the world that believes on God or Christianity. One the ten commandments of God, it is the fifth one “Thou shall not kill” We must not kill anyone. Only God will take-off everyone’s life not us. Why do you want to kill? Giving a person a punishment is not in terms of kill. Kill the drugs not the people. Killing is not the key for aiming on terminating drugs in the country. there are many allegations in our president one of the most about he is the mastermind in the DDS or the “Davao Death Squad” It kill criminals and sometimes even people is not actually do that such thing. There is witness that is telling he is one of the former members of the Davao Death Squad. He is Edgar Matobato, that he is telling that the president is that mastermind of the extra-Judicial killing happens in the terms of Pre. Duterte as the mayor of the Davao City. In the speech of our former president Ninoy Aquino, he wants to end the violations on human’s rights. But that dream will be only a dream for me. 

Image result for matobato      In the new administration, killing is one of those things. Many drug pushers had been killed that is against the law. Covering their dead body with the use of packaging tapes, torturing them, and many more.  The extrajudicial killing won’t win the war against the illegal drugs. It is just making things worst. The anti-drug war was the campaign promise that propelled the popular, tough-talking Davao City mayor to the presidency. But human rights activists have expressed alarm over the rising body count, pointing out that many of those killed were only unidentified suspects. This is alarming. This is I want to talked about to our president.  “Aanihin mo pa ang lider na matapang at matalino, kung hindi naman matino.” I would say we need leader that has moral capability to lead the people behind him with respect model. Our president is the representation of our country.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

AN EASY ESSAY PRESENTS: Human or Person? Are they Different?

Human or Person? Are they Different?

     All persons are humans, all humans are also persons. A difficult line that I made and so meaningful. Me, as a student I remembered that I also confused about the difference of each two. But when I reached Junior High School I learned the more about the two words.  Human is somehow is related to science I think.  Based on my  research on Internet on Online Etymology  Dictionary website,  that the word “human” came from the scientific name of it, “Homo” a Latin word means being or mankind. For me it is somehow indicates the entire body like arms, bones, organs etc.  Based on my book research "The Social Construction of the Human Spirit" stated that Humans are not just made of human flesh but it has so called Human Spirit. On the other hand, the word “person” for me, person has so called dignity on it as my Values Education teacher said. Person is more of emotional and spiritual way. According to bible, we have souls. Therefore, it may be part of our person. As human it needs physiological needs or its basic needs such as water, shelter, food etc. But in person it need Psychological need such as Esteem Needs, love, etc. and so called Sell-Fulfillment that achieve one’s full potential as shown on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need as my teacher last grade 10 on Economics. Humans develop its physical body changes, health, and age. But in person, can have self-development, maintain and build relationship so called as that. I conclude that the word humans and persons aren’t similar. But it has also its differences. It may be quite the same but it just different in quite manner.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

THE UNVERY EASY ESSAY PRESENTS: Filipino, Ang Wika ng Karunungan


          Ano ba ang wika? Ano ba ang karunungan? Totoo ba na ang wikang Filipino ay ang wika ng karunugan? Tatalakayin na muna natin ang mga bawat salita sa king pamagat, Isa mga tanong na dapat natin gamit ang mga nakuha kong mga impormasyon o datus sa aking pananaliksik. Bigyan na muna natin ng pansin kung bakit ang tema ngayon ay “Filipino: Wika ng Karunugnan” at kailangan muna natin bigyan ng mga kahulugan ang mga salita sa pamagat o tema sa gayundin para malaman natin kung anu ang kahulugan ng tema.

Kada buwan ng Agosto ng bawat taong-akademiko katulad ng mga paaralan pati rin ang mga ibang ahensya ng pamahalaan ay ipinagdiriwan ang “Buwan ng Wika” ay isa sa mga pinaka-aabangang kaganapan sa lahat ng mga paaralan, mapa-elementarya, sekondarya, at maging sa kolehiyo. Ito ay tinatag ng dating pangulo na si Fidel V. Ramos base sa Kautusan Blg. 1014 na ang Agosto ay Buwan ng Wika dahil ito ang buwan na kung saan namatay ang Ama ng Wika na si Manuel Louis Molina Quezon sa Ika-1 ng Agosto taong 1944 ang kanyang kamatayan.  Ayon sa Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino (KWF), ang tema ng pagdiriwang ngayong taon ay “Filipino: Wika ng Pambansang Kaunlaran.” Gaya ng nabanggit na dati, ipinagdiriwang ng mga paaralan sa buong bansa ng Pilipinas ang Buwan ng Wika sa pamamagitan ng iba’t ibang gawain gaya ng sabayang pagbigkas, dula-dulaan, sayaw-awit o sayawit, pagsulat ng sanaysay, at iba pa. Na kung saan binigbigyan ng pagkakataon ang mga mag-aaral na pagyabungin ang wikang Filipino.

Simula natin sa wika. Ayon sa Wikipedia, “Ang wika ay isang bahagi ng pakikipagtalastasan. Kalipunan ito ng mga simbolo, tunog, at mga kaugnay na batas upang maipahayag ang nais sabihin ng kaisipan. “Ayon kay Dr. Arnel Reñon, isang guro sa assignaturang Filipino. “Mayroong apat-na-daan na mga wika sa Pilipinas. “Ito ang nagbibigkis sa mga tao para magka-isa at magkasundo-sundo. ito ang nagsisilbing nagbubuklod ng mga tao para maging isang lipunan. Sunod naman ang salitang karunungan. Merong dalawang magkaibang kahulugan ang salitang katarunugan. Ayon sa Current Events Digest Inc for Grade 7 Edition isang aklat sa Filipino sa ika-pitong baitang, Sunod naman na salita ay “Karunungan”, Ayon sa WikiFilipino, isang website. “Ang karunungan o dunong, sa larangan ng pananampalataya, ay ang pagkaunawang nanggaling sa Diyos. Isa itong marunong o matalinong pag-iisip o kaisipan; o ang pang-unawa sa tama at mali, at pagkakaroon ng matinong pag-iisip o pinag-aralan. May kaugnayan ito sa sentido kumon, talino, erudisyon, attining ng pag-iisip.” ibig sabihin ito ay isang pagiging matalino o wise sa Ingles. Ito ay ang pagkakaroon ng karanasan, kaalaman, at matalinong paghuhusga. Nalaman na natin kung ano ang kahulugan ng mga salita sa ating pamagat.

          Ang kahulugan ng tema ay ang wika ay ang karunungan. Ito ang nagbibigay ng talino sa mga taong marunong gumamit ng wika niya. Ang wikang Filipino ay ang ugat ng ating karunungan at ito rin ay ang saligan, pundasyon, o batayan ay base sa ating wika. Ang wikang Filipino ay ang pundasyon ng karunungan ng bawat Pilipino. Ang pagtangkilik sa sariling wika, ang bunga ay matalino at maunlad na bansa. Ang karunungan ay ang sumisimbolo ng karunungan ibig sabihin kung matalino ka at madiskarte ang mga Pilipino at alam ang tama at mali ibig sabihin magiging maganda ang samahan ng mga bawat Pilipino sa isang lipunan. Mas magiging madiskarte sa buhay, palaging gumamit ng wikang Filipino na nagbibigkis sa mga bawat idibidwal tungo sa magandang institution ng bansa. Ito ang susi sa pagpapaunlad ng kulturang Pilipino.  Ang pagkatututo ng mga wika ay nagkakaroon ng talino sapagkat ang wika ay nagpapakita ng kultura, tradisyon, at mga kaisipan. Halimbawa kapag nag-aaral ka ng wikang Filipino makikilala mo ang mga kultura ng Pilipinas.  Ayon sa isang wikang pilosopo an si  Ludwig Wittgenstein “Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt.” sa Ingles ay “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”  Ang ibig sabihin nito para sa akin ang isang solusyon para mas mahigit pa sa limitasyon ng isang wika ay ang pagkatututo o ang pag-aaral ng isa pang wika at ito ay ang wikang Filipino. Hindi lamang ang mga wika ng ating sinilangan katulad ng Waray, Bikol, o Sebwanong ika kundi ang ating pambansang wikang Filipino. Ang pagkatuto ng isa pang wika ay nagkakaroon tayo ng kaalaman sa iba pang wika hindi lamang sa mga salita nito o ibig sabihin nito kundi ang mga napaplibot ng wika, ang kultura, tradisyon, at kaugalian ng mga taong sinilingan nito. Ang pagkatuto ng isa pang wika ay magbibigay sa atin ng bagong kalinawan ng buhay.

Ang aking konklusyon sa aking sanaysay. Filipino ay ang wika ng karunungan. Ang wika ay ang ugat o pinagmulan ng karunungan. Mas magiging matalino tayo at makakakuha ng mga kaalaman habang natututo tayo ng wikang Filipino. Hindi lamang ang wikang kinabihasan natin kundi ang ating wikang pambansa ang Wikang Filipino.  Ang pag-aral ng wikang Filipino ay nagkakaroon tayo ng background ang wikang iyon. Nakakakuha tayo ng kaalaman tungkol sa kultura ng ating bansa.